Welcome to our Yoga Circle

Everything starts and ends with you.

The inner journey will reflect into the outer experience. 

Private coaching and group sessions available. 

The Eight Limbs of Yoga:

Personal observances
Ahimsa - Non Violence
Satya - Truthfulness
Asteya - Non- Stealing
Brahmacharya - Sense control
Aparigraha - Neutralizing to acquire and hoard wealth

Personal observances
Sauca - Purity/Cleanliness
Santosa - Contentment
Tapas - Disciplined use of our energy
Svadhyaya - Self-study
Isvara pranidhana - Celebration of the Spiritual

3) Asana
-Body postures

4) Pranayama
-Breathing exercises, and control of prana.

5) Pratyahara
-Control of the senses

6) Dharana
-Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness

7) Dhyana
-Meditation on the Divine

8) Samadhi
-The state of complete absorption with Infinite Spirit

Take your heart out into the vast fields of light and let it breathe.

Tanja Pazou has studied Yoga for 20 years. She has enjoyed travels to India and Nepal. In her journey  she learned from many different masters. "Yoga is a wonderful practice in learning about oneself. The mastery of oneself is our goal." Through the practice of Yoga we learn about conditioning the physical body. The physical form is the focal point in the beginning, the breath is the pathway to the un-manifested energy that is all around us. Yoga teaches us to tap into this energy and to use it to heal our body and mind. Yoga is a tool to discover oneself, and through daily practice we create physical health, understanding, more knowledge, and alignment within and without. 

Tanja Pazou has been teaching yoga for 20 years. She is a devoted student of Yoga and loves to share her knowledge. In her studies she spent time in Delhi India, and she traveled to Kathmandu in Nepal to familiarize herself with the eastern philosophies. 

"Yoga is the study of the self, the transformation of the physical and understanding the ethereal which we all come from."


Benefits of practicing Yoga regularly:

-Yoga increases blood circulation

-Yoga relaxes the nervous system and reduces stress

-Yoga releases muscle tension and stiffness

-Yoga increases joint flexibility & range of motion

-Yoga promotes deeper and easier breathing

-Yoga nourishes the skin

-Yoga improves posture & body awareness

-Yoga strengthens immune system

Client Reviews: 

"After Tanja's Yoga class I feel renewed, energized and enlightened."  Beth W.

"It makes me much more relaxed and I sleep better."Amber P.

"Yoga has helped me to feel stronger, improve my balance and my well being has increased."
​Kari D.

"My body feels more strong and balanced after your yoga class." 
Janet T. 

"Your advice really helped me before I went on my trip. I had a fabulous vacation."
Agnes O.

"I can walk again. My knees feel better, and I have more energy!" Marie E.

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