• Simsa Milicevic

    Tanja is extremely knowledgeable and motivated teacher.I am glad to be her student .She is positive and full of energy plus she always smile and courageous memy work.I do enjoy her classes very much.I would hiyhighly recommend her.

  • Dominique

    I had the incredible fortune of crossing paths with Tanja. A couple of years ago, I embarked on a journey to become a dance fitness instructor, despite my lack of background or understanding of music and dance. Overwhelmed by self-doubt and lacking confidence, I turned to Tanja for guidance, and her impact on my journey was irreplaceable.

    Tanja possesses an unparalleled ability to instill confidence in her students. From our first meeting, she recognized my potential, and with utmost dedication, she guided me through every step of my transformation. Tanja’s expertise in music and the intricate nuances of dance enabled me to build my dance skills with confidence.

    Tanja has given me more than I could have ever asked for. She didn’t just teach me dance; she believed in me when I struggled to believe in myself. She believed in my abilities, even when I faltered, and made me realize that my greatest strength wasn’t confined to my physical abilities but resided within my soul.

    Tanja’s dedication to teaching and passion for dance were evident in every lesson. Our sessions were informative, engaging, and tailored to my unique needs. Tanja’s invaluable insights to improve technique, blending technical expertise with artistic expression, allowed me to embrace dance with confidence.

    If you are searching for a dance instructor who possesses an unmatched passion for their craft, an extraordinary ability to teach dance techniques, and an unwavering commitment to their students’ personal growth, I wholeheartedly recommend Tanja. She is an exceptional mentor who will not only help you become a better dancer but will also empower you to embrace the gifts that lie within you.

  • Dominique Stepinski

    I had the incredible fortune of crossing paths with Tanja. A couple of years ago, I embarked on a journey to become a dance fitness instructor, despite my lack of background or understanding of music and dance. Overwhelmed by self-doubt and lacking confidence, I turned to Tanja for guidance, and her impact on my journey was irreplaceable.

    Tanja possesses an unparalleled ability to instill confidence in her students. From our first meeting, she recognized my potential, and with utmost dedication, she guided me through every step of my transformation. Tanja’s expertise in music and the intricate nuances of dance enabled me to build my dance skills with confidence.

    Tanja has given me more than I could have ever asked for. She didn’t just teach me dance; she believed in me when I struggled to believe in myself. She believed in my abilities, even when I faltered, and made me realize that my greatest strength wasn’t confined to my physical abilities but resided within my soul.

    Tanja’s dedication to teaching and passion for dance were evident in every lesson. Our sessions were informative, engaging, and tailored to my unique needs. Tanja’s invaluable insights to improve technique, blending technical expertise with artistic expression, allowed me to embrace dance with confidence.

    If you are searching for a dance instructor who possesses an unmatched passion for their craft, an extraordinary ability to teach dance techniques, and an unwavering commitment to their students’ personal growth, I wholeheartedly recommend Tanja. She is an exceptional mentor who will not only help you become a better dancer but will also empower you to embrace the gifts that lie within you.

  • Viola

    Ich habe Tanja kennengelernt, als ich ein Au Pair in Amerika war. Ich saß bei Starbucks, habe mit Zuhause geskyped und war total aufgebracht und traurig. Sie lud mich zu ihrer Yoga Klasse ein und seitdem ist Yoga ein wichtiger Teil meines Lebens. Ich habe in Wien leider nicht so eine Yogalehrerin gefunden. Daher bin ich umso dankbarer, dass ich Tanja kennenlernen durfte. Sie war meine “Heimat” weit weg von Zuhause und ihre coole, selbstsichere und junggebliebene Art inspiriert mich bis heute! Ich wünsche mir, dass wir uns eines Tages wieder sehen und nach jeder Yoga Einheit daheim werde ich weiterhin an sie denken <3

  • Julia v. Windau

    I met Tanja many years ago and I was invited to a fashion show she produced in Munich, Germany.
    It was an exciting event with dancers, models, fashion brands like Reebok and many others, and a variety of talent.
    Tanja has directed and produced the event and it was a great success.
    I have great confidence that she is amazing in whatever she does as she connects easily with anyone she meets.
    She is always very helpful, she gives good advice about anything health-related and she gives great tips to improve One’s life overall. I’m so blessed to have met such a wonderful person!!! Thank you, Tanja!🙏🏽

  • Christina Stoll-Shewmaker

    Tanja and I grew up in the same home town in Germany.

    I was a student in Tanja’s Dance school at the very beginning of her career. Tanja is an amazing teacher and I loved to dance.

    Tanja produced several amazing dance shows in our area, which I will never forget. It was amazing. One dance team performed Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and it was unforgettable. The show was excellent and made the local newspapers. Tanja did an amazing job as a choreographer and producer starting at a very young age.

    Unfortunately, we lost contact over the years, but we found each other again on social media, and now we keep in touch.

  • Don Gies

    I was a student of Tanja many years ago when I was much younger. I met her during a dark time in my life. I did not feel like I was accepted because I was new in town and I was overweight. When I started dancing with Tanja, something changed inside of me. I was able to find acceptance, joy, purpose and a new sense of freedom. She was always so accepting of me and encouraging of me. She believed in me very much and always encouraged me to be courageous, do my very best and express myself fully in the way that I moved. Tanja was such a shining light in my life and I will always regard her as a wise and powerful teacher and mentor of children and adults alike. I am so blessed to call her my friend. I cannot recommend Tanja and her work enough to everyone interested in dancing and getting deeper into their bodies.

  • Claudia Warren

    I met Tanja many years ago through a mutual artist friend. I had moved to CA from the east coast and was looking for a dance workout.
    I started going to the classes that were held at Katnap in Venice.
    I had never done a Hip-hop class before as I was trained in classical ballet at the Joffrey Ballet school in NY City but Tanja’s classes incorporated Hip-hop, Ballet and Jazz movements so I fit right in.

    The classes were so high energy and I couldn’t believe I could do the movements but so fun!
    I got really close to all the people attending and it became part of my life for 2 – 3 years – Did workshops in Malibu and part of an amazing performance in Palm Springs – way out of my comfort zone, but Tanja held my hand the whole way!

    Tanja is an amazing human being and has so much passion for her craft.
    She is such a generous person and wants to give her knowledge to as many people as possible.

    If you have the pleasure of meeting Tanja, your life will be enriched in so many ways.

  • Dee Jackson

    I am a conscious hip hop artist and I met Tanja over a decade ago. We formed a bond through the music. She’s full of great ideas and feedback. I will never forget the feeling I had when she choreographed a dance routine to one my songs. I literally saw the song come to life through their performance. We’ve also collaborated on a art show where I performed. Definitely a night to remember. I look forward to many more collaborations and shows with Tanja.

  • Kay Uwe Rott

    Dear Tanja …. First of all: I write and say things as they are. I am not looking for words. I am not a euphemist. I have probably known Tanja longer than many others. Many years ago it was probably fate that our paths crossed during my time at the Bavaria Filmstudio (Munich). Together we developed and realized a commercial for an eyewear company that was already way ahead of its time. Our paths met again when we developed and realized a breathtaking car presentation for BMW. When Tanja left Germany and moved to Los Angeles I visited her several times. Together with her I presented a concept for a World Rap Award that was planned at that time. Over the years we never lost track of each other even when she left Los Angeles and moved to Chicago. Even if it sometimes cracked between us (what would a friendship be if you can’t tell each other your opinion clearly) because we always told each other the truth to our faces, one important thing never suffered. Our friendship. Therefore… Thank you Tanja for the many years we know each other. … the stars are good, that it will be probably still some years. Hug Uwe

  • Donieus Williams

    I am a DJ that was hired for one of your events. I was also happy to be there. You combined music, yoga, art, ect. all in one. It was a great experience. Great networking. Great atmosphere & great people of all races/nationalities was there. Informative ect. I loved it.

  • Delaney Laux

    Tanja hosted some of my girlfriends and I for a choreography session on a Saturday, and it was one of the most memorable weekend activities we’ve ever had. Laughed a million times, learned an amazing dance, got awesome content and had the best time with Tanja. She’s not only a great dancer and choreographer, but a delight to be around. Funny, interesting, entertaining and insightful. 10/10 would recommend!

  • James Boulstridge

    I am not a flexible person but Tanja’s school/practice is adaptable and her support very encouraging, she knows what to look out for and when and where to push you. Foremost she is a character, thoughtful and engaging.

  • Ron Zerbs

    I had attended Tanja’s classes for three years which enabled me to achieve a flexibility and strength that I never thought possible. Tanja has a vast understanding of yoga and has the ability to customize the appropriate yoga positions to each and every individual. She is a very positive and upbeat individual who is passionate in her teachings and will bring about the most amazing results. I would highly recommend her classes!

  • Julie laux

    Tanja is amazing. So in tune with me and my ever changing body. I have worked with her for years and highly recommend!

  • Jeff Lohrmann

    Tanja has been an advisor to me for years on fitness. She is a true motivator who is extremely knowledgeable. She has the rare talent of thoroughly understanding the mind body issues of good health and movement. Not to mention she is an authentic artist and organizer who always makes a natural and enthusiastic contribution to creating community.

  • Agnes

    This comes from a person that hated yoga☺️
    I’ve had the pleasure to attend Tanja’s yoga class about 2 years ago, when I was dealing with back problems, so severe I couldn’t function normally. After that one class I slept through the night. I’ve been working with Tanja ever since through our private sessions It’s been an incredible experience.
    The level of commitment Tanja puts into everything she does is amazing and inspiring. She’s not just another yoga instructor,she knows human body in a way that most people, sometimes even doctors don’t. She makes you think and question everything you do, so whatever you do goes towards the betterment of your body. She pushes you to your limits, but gives you the sense of ease and comfort.
    I can’t wait to attend the dance class!
    Amazing person, amazing teacher.

    • Anne Vassal

      I am a senior so sometimes it’s difficult to envision that I could do some of the poses demonstrated on this page. But Tanja will get you there one step at a time. I’ve studied with Tanja on and off for over 10 years and I’ve been amazed at what I can accomplish. Tanja’s energy, expertise, and motivation made me realize that It’s never too late.

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