Pazou Productions

Pazou Productions Inc. was created to offer programs in the arts for all ages.
Educational classes to teach the public about dance, yoga, and the variations of.

Tanja Pazou made it her life's work to bring the arts all over the globe. Her dance programs reached thousands of students, and her Yoga programs have helped many to improve their health and well-being.
Pazou Productions has created two television pilots, produced a variety of events and has hosted countless performances for the public.

Tanja Pazou created during the course of her career as a professional dancer and choreographer a campaign that she called:

R U HIPHOPIFYDE? A dance campaign in Los Angeles and Chicago that was taught to over 1500 students.

"Let Us Move You" is a label created by Tanja Pazou. Movement through all various disciplines create physical well-being. Physical movement whether it is dance or yoga establishes the platform for consciousness expansion.
A life well lived is signified by a healthy body-mind-spirit.
This is what "Let Us Move You" stands for. Under this label Tanja has created a fashion label, a workshop/seminar program, a private coaching program and group classes to move the masses into a conscious lifestyle and better, healthier bodies.

'YOGA CIRCLE' was created by Tanja Pazou to coach students eager to learn the art of yoga. Yoga is a system of practice, that is part art, part philosophy and part science.
Tanja developed her Yoga Circle program to bring the art of the practice to students that are interested in learning the eight limbs of yoga.
This practice has reached students of all age groups and has brought healing to many.
It was designed to assist students in their consciousness-studies and to bring alignment to One's body-mind-spirit.

Kidz in the Mix is a dance, yoga, acrobatics program created and taught by Tanja Pazou. The "Kidz in the Mix" brand was implemented in over eight public schools in Chicago through a government program. The program was taught to children ages 6-11 for 10 years in different cities, in countless public and private schools and it received positive acknowledgment from two different Presidents.

Kidz in the Mix auditioned for 'Americas Got Talent' and was filmed by the Los Angeles production team in Hinsdale, IL. Tanja Pazou created this brand to teach children the art of dance and to discover and develop talented students. This program has inspired over 1500 children and has done much more than develop talented students, it helped children to develop great confidence, boost their self-esteem and in some cases be the gateway to a promising career in the entertainment business.

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